In: Events

The international conference “RELIGION AND SOCIAL PROCESSES IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE” was organized by the Institute for European Studies (IES) from Belgrade, the Faculty of Law for Economy and Justice in Novi Sad and the European Research Institute for Strategic Studies (ERISS) from Ljubljana.

Distinguished experts of various disciplinary profiles (religionists, lawyers, political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, historians…) from the countries of the region will present their views on the current situation and processes in Southeast Europe, from the aspect of religious issues and social trends, as well as the legal position of churches and religious communities.

The conference is structured through three thematic circles – (1) religion, society and tolerance, (2) religion and politics and (3) the legal position of religion in Southeastern Europe. At the end of each round, a short debate will be held, where the presentations will be analyzed and commented on.

In addition to the participants with presentations, the Conference will also be attended by representatives of churches and religious communities, diplomatic representatives of Southeast European countries in Belgrade, young researchers from the subject area and other personalities from academic, cultural and political life.